Momentum Healing
How Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code 
Can Support Your Journey

Life is a series of beginnings – each sunrise brings with it the promise of a fresh start, an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and pursue our dreams with renewed vigor. Whether you're embarking on a new career path, starting a new relationship, or simply seeking personal growth, navigating new beginnings can be both exhilarating and daunting.

Fortunately, there are powerful tools and modalities available to support you on your journey of transformation. Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code offer holistic approaches to clearing emotional baggage, restoring physical balance, and rewriting limiting beliefs, empowering you to embrace new beginnings with confidence and clarity.

Emotion Code: Releasing Emotional Baggage

Emotions are the guiding force behind our thoughts, actions, and experiences. However, unresolved emotions from past traumas or negative experiences can create energetic blockages that hinder our ability to move forward. Emotion Code provides a simple yet effective method for identifying and releasing these trapped emotions, allowing you to experience greater emotional freedom and resilience.

As you embark on a new chapter in your life, it's natural to feel a range of emotions – excitement, anticipation, but also fear and uncertainty. By using Emotion Code to release any unresolved emotions or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, you can approach new beginnings with a sense of lightness and clarity, free from the burdens of the past.

Body Code: Restoring Physical Balance

Our physical bodies are intimately connected to our emotional and mental well-being. Imbalances such as nutritional deficiencies, structural misalignments, or energetic blockages can impact our ability to thrive and fully engage with life's opportunities. Body Code offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and addressing these imbalances, restoring harmony and vitality to the body.

As you embark on a new journey, it's essential to nurture your physical body and ensure it has the support it needs to thrive. With Body Code you can identify any underlying issues that may be affecting your health and well-being, allowing you to address them proactively and approach new beginnings with vitality and resilience.

Belief Code: Rewriting Limiting Beliefs

Our beliefs shape our reality and influence how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Limiting beliefs, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I'll never succeed," can create self-imposed barriers that sabotage our efforts to embrace new beginnings and pursue our goals. Belief Code offers a powerful framework for identifying and rewriting these limiting beliefs, empowering you to create a new narrative aligned with your aspirations.

As you embark on a new chapter in your life, it's essential to cultivate beliefs that support your growth and potential. With Belief Code, you can uncover any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and replace them with empowering beliefs that affirm your worthiness and potential for success. By rewriting these beliefs, you can approach new beginnings with confidence and conviction, knowing that you have the power to create the life you desire.

New beginnings are an opportunity for growth, transformation, and self-discovery. By incorporating Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code into your journey, you can release emotional baggage, restore physical balance, and rewrite limiting beliefs, empowering you to embrace new beginnings with confidence, clarity, and joy.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

How Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code Can Help

In our fast-paced world, staying organized is essential for success and well-being. Whether it's managing a busy schedule, decluttering your home, or sorting through your thoughts and emotions, getting organized can lead to greater productivity, clarity, and peace of mind.

But what if I told you that getting organized isn't just about rearranging your physical surroundings or managing your time more effectively? What if it also involves untangling the emotional, physical, and mental clutter that can hold you back?

Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code are powerful modalities that address the underlying issues that contribute to disorganization in our lives.

Emotion Code: Clearing Emotional Clutter

Unresolved emotions can create energetic blockages that manifest as stress, anxiety, or even physical ailments. Emotion Code offers a simple yet profound method for identifying and releasing these trapped emotions.

Imagine you're struggling to stay organized or focused because you feel overwhelmed by past traumas or unresolved conflicts. These emotional burdens can weigh heavily on your mind, making it difficult to focus or make clear decisions. By using Emotion Code, you can identify and release these trapped emotions, allowing you to experience greater emotional freedom and clarity. As a result, you may find it easier to stay organized and navigate life's challenges with ease.

Body Code: Restoring Physical Balance

Our bodies are intricately connected to our emotional and mental well-being. Physical imbalances, such as nutritional deficiencies or misalignments in the body's energy systems, can impact our ability to function optimally. Body Code offers a comprehensive approach to addressing these imbalances and restoring harmony to the body.

Imagine you're constantly fatigued and lacking the energy to tackle your organizational tasks. By using Body Code, you can identify and address underlying issues such as nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, or energetic blockages that may be contributing to your fatigue. By restoring balance to your physical body, you can experience increased vitality and resilience, making it easier to stay organized and productive.

Belief Code: Rewriting Limiting Beliefs

Our beliefs shape our reality. Limiting beliefs, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I'll never be organized," can create self-imposed barriers that sabotage our efforts to create positive change in our lives. The Belief Code offers a transformative approach to identifying and rewriting these limiting beliefs, empowering us to create a new reality aligned with our goals and aspirations.

Imagine you've always struggled with disorganization, and you believe it's just a part of who you are. By using Belief Code, you can uncover the underlying beliefs that are holding you back and replace them with empowering beliefs that support your desire to be organized and efficient. As you rewrite these beliefs, you'll find it easier to adopt new habits and behaviors that promote organization and success in all areas of your life.

Getting organized is about more than just tidying up your physical space or managing your time effectively. It's about addressing the underlying emotional, physical, and mental clutter that can inhibit your ability to thrive. By incorporating Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code into your life, you can release emotional baggage, restore physical balance, and rewrite limiting beliefs, empowering you to create a life that is organized, harmonious, and fulfilling.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code for Decluttering Your Home and Mind

You know what I’ve been doing for the past 3 weeks? Decluttering my home – going from room to room, closet by closet, junk drawer by junk drawer. While not exactly a humdinger of a good time, I can honestly say that I find the whole process to be cathartic and liberating. There is nothing like releasing all the past crap, pardon my French, that no longer serves.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's all too easy to find ourselves lost in the chaos of clutter – both in our living spaces and within our minds. Yet within the mayhem, there lies a profound opportunity for transformation. Enter the dynamic trio of Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code – a trifecta of powerful modalities that offer not just a tidy home, but a liberated mind.

Let's dive into the heart of the matter: clutter. Picture it – shelves overflowing with forgotten trinkets from who knows where, closets bursting at the seams with unused garments some with the tags still on, and countertops buried beneath a sea of paperwork. The physical clutter that accumulates in our homes is more than just a nuisance; it's a reflection of the emotional and energetic debris that accumulates within us.

Enter Emotion Code – a groundbreaking approach to identifying and releasing trapped emotions that lie at the root of our clutter. By tapping into the innate wisdom of the subconscious mind, Emotion Code helps unearth and release the emotional baggage that weighs us down. From past traumas to inherited patterns, these trapped emotions create energetic blockages that manifest as physical clutter in our homes and mental clutter in our minds.

But the journey towards clarity doesn't stop there. Enter Body Code – a comprehensive system for addressing the underlying imbalances that contribute to energetic clutter and disorganization. Using the power of muscle testing and energetic balancing, Body Code pinpoints the root causes of physical clutter – whether it be nutritional deficiencies, structural misalignments, or environmental toxins.

Body Code offers a holistic approach to decluttering that addresses the body-mind connection. By restoring balance and harmony within the body, we create a fertile ground for mental clarity and emotional well-being to grow and flourish.

And the journey of uncluttering our homes and minds would be incomplete without addressing the deeper layers of belief and perception. Enter Belief Code – a transformative approach to reprogramming our subconscious mind for greater clarity and empowerment. By identifying and challenging limiting beliefs and thought patterns, Belief Code empowers us to break free from the shackles of self-doubt and fear.

Belief Code encourages us to rewrite the script of our lives – replacing old, outdated narratives with new ones that reflect our true potential and worth. As we shed the layers of self-limitation, we create space for a profound shift in consciousness – one that allows us to step into our power and live authentically.

Together, Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code form a potent triad of clarity and transformation – offering not just a decluttered home, but a revitalized mind and spirit.

This Spring, as you clear the clutter from your home, feel the weight of old burdens lifting from your shoulders – making room for new possibilities and opportunities to unfold. Trust in the process of transformation and know that you hold the power to create a life of clarity, purpose, and abundance.

With Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code as your allies, you have everything you need to unclutter not just your home, but your mind – unlocking a world of infinite potential and possibility! Schedule your initial session with me and we will start the process of decluttering your mind. Besides, how many junk drawers can you possibly have anyway?!

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

What do you think of when you hear the term, Groundhog Day? Do you think of Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog in Pennsylvania popping out of his lair every February to predict the weather? Or do you gravitate beyond weather predictions and flash back to the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day, where the main character relives the same day repeatedly?

The term "Groundhog Day" has since been used metaphorically to describe situations where people feel stuck in a repetitive cycle, facing the same challenges, routines, or problems repeatedly without apparent progress or change.

When someone says they are living a Groundhog Day-like experience, it typically means they feel caught in a monotonous and unchanging routine, often characterized by a lack of personal and/or professional growth. The Groundhog Day loop is a metaphor for the seemingly endless repetition of negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that hinder personal growth and well-being. The repetitive nature of these experiences can lead to feelings of frustration, boredom, and a sense of being stuck in a never-ending loop. Whether it's persistent anxiety, self-doubt, or destructive habits, breaking free from these patterns is crucial for a fulfilling life. Common elements of living a Groundhog Day type of existence are:

Routine and Predictability: You may find yourself following the same daily patterns without variation, leading to a sense of monotony and boredom.

Lack of Progress: You may have the perception that things are not improving or changing for the better in your life. Goals may seem elusive, and personal development may feel stagnant.

Repetition of Challenges: You may notice that the same problems, obstacles, or conflicts resurface repeatedly, making it challenging to move forward or find a resolution.

Feeling Trapped: You may feel a sense of being trapped, unable to break free from the cycle of sameness.

Emotional Impact:  You may feel the emotional toll of living in a repetitive loop which can lead to frustration, boredom, and a feeling of being stuck in life.

So, let me ask you: have YOU ever felt trapped in a cycle of repetitive thoughts and behaviors, as if every day is a never-ending loop like the movie Groundhog Day?

You are not alone, and breaking free from such patterns can be challenging. But the holistic, self-healing modalities of Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code offer profound healing and transformation. These modalities work together to release emotional baggage, address physical imbalances, and release negative programs and limiting beliefs, ultimately helping you escape the Groundhog Day loop of your own life. Here’s how:

Emotion Code: Releasing Emotional Baggage

The Emotion Code focuses on identifying and releasing trapped emotions that contribute to physical and emotional distress. These trapped emotions are negative energies that get lodged in the body, disrupting the natural flow of energy. Like a stone in a stream, they create turbulence that affects your thoughts and behaviors. By clearing emotional baggage, you can experience a sense of lightness and freedom, paving the way for a break from the Groundhog Day loop.

Body Code: Balancing the Energy System

The Body Code addresses imbalances not only at the emotional level, but also energy, circuits/systems, toxins, pathogens, misalignments, and nutritional/lifestyle deficiencies. Imbalances in the body's energy system can contribute to repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. By restoring balance to the body's energy system, you can experience relief from physical and emotional challenges, breaking the Groundhog Day loop at its roots.

Belief Code: Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs play a crucial role in shaping our thoughts and behaviors. Belief Code identifies and releases negative programs and limiting beliefs that contribute to your Groundhog Day loop. These beliefs are often formed early in life and can hold you back from reaching your full potential. By replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, you can create a positive mindset that supports personal growth and breaks the cycle of repetitive thoughts and behaviors.

Breaking free from the Groundhog Day loop requires a holistic approach that addresses emotional, physical, and belief-based aspects of your being. Emotion Code releases emotional baggage, Body Code balances your energy system, and Belief Code reprograms limiting beliefs, all providing a direct pathway to self-healing and transformation. As you experience the life changing impact of these modalities, you may find yourself escaping the repetitive patterns that have held you captive, stepping into a new, more vibrant chapter of your life!

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

Client Testimonial Feature

Client Testimonial:

"Candace with Momentum Healing has changed my pup for the better. My dog is a rescue. I knew when I got her that she had been abused the first 8 months of her life. It took me two years to earn her trust but there were still some triggers that would send my little girl into hiding or make her anxious. I had a session with Candace for myself on the recommendation of a friend and after noticing the changes in me, I just had to do this for my pup. After the first of two sessions, I could see the changes in her. She was happy and energetic and even stayed downstairs next to me. She used to sit upstairs by herself in her chair. When my roommate returned from traveling, he mentioned to me how my dog seemed more confident and happier. I never told him I had a session for her! While he was walking her in the park, some children came up to her and she just stopped and let them pet her. In the past, my roommate would have to walk clear around the children as she would become anxious. He mentioned this to me, and I just smiled.
People spend so much money trying to find the best food, the best toys, the best treats. This is by far the best thing I have ever done for my fur baby. She is not the same dog. Candace is amazing and has a gift of healing. Give this gift to your fur baby. You won't be disappointed."

Thank you, Susan for this ah-mazing testimonial!

As devoted pet owners, we are always on the lookout for ways to ensure our pets live happy, healthy lives. Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code modalities tap into the energetic aspects of healing, addressing imbalances that may affect your furry friend's overall health and behavior. The synergy of these modalities offers a holistic healing approach (for dogs, cats, and horses) by tapping into the profound connection between energy and well-being.
YOU can unlock your pet's full potential for a joyful, balanced, and fulfilling life. Remember, a healthy and happy pet contributes not only to their well-being, but also to the joy and harmony of your shared companionship.
Understanding the Codes:
Emotion Code: Unlocking Emotional Baggage
Emotion Code identifies and releases trapped emotions in your pet's energy field. Dogs, cats, and horses, like humans, carry emotional baggage from past experiences, traumas, or even inherited emotions. Through muscle testing or applied kinesiology, trapped emotions are released promoting emotional balance and well-being in your furry companion.
Body Code: Balancing the Physical and Energetic Body
Body Code takes the concept of energy healing a step further by addressing not only emotions but also imbalances in various aspects of your pet's physical and energetic body. This includes identifying nutritional imbalances, pathogens, structural issues, and more. By clearing these imbalances, Body Code can restore harmony to your pet's overall health, supporting their vitality and resilience.
Belief Code: Transforming Limiting Beliefs
Dogs, cats, and horses, much like humans, can develop limiting beliefs that impact their behavior and well-being. Belief Code focuses on identifying and transforming these beliefs, fostering a positive mindset in your pet. Whether it's fear, anxiety, or behavioral challenges, addressing limiting beliefs can lead to a more balanced and confident furry companion.
To your pets healing!
~Candace ❤️

Have you ever noticed that at the beginning of each new year people are heavily focused on creating an abundance mindset?

So, what is an abundance mindset and how do you know if you have one? And, if you don’t have one, how can you cultivate one?

An abundance mindset refers to the belief that there are enough resources, opportunities, and success to go around for everyone. It's a way of thinking that focuses on the endless possibilities and potential for growth rather than scarcity or limitations.

People with an abundance mindset believe in their ability to create and attract opportunities, they're open to collaboration, learning, and are generally more optimistic about the future. It's about embracing a mindset where abundance and success are achievable through positivity, growth, and a willingness to see opportunities instead of obstacles.

Identifying whether you have an abundance mindset involves recognizing certain thought patterns, behaviors, and perspectives that align with an abundance mentality. Here are some great questions that can help you determine if you have an abundance mindset:

Gratitude: Do you regularly express gratitude for what you have in your life, acknowledging and appreciating both big and small blessings?

Possibilities: Do you tend to see opportunities rather than obstacles in various situations?

Jealousy/Comparison: Do you celebrate the successes and achievements of others without feeling envious or comparing your life to theirs?

Positivity: Do you maintain a positive outlook, believing in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals?

Embracing Change: Are you open to change and growth, seeing it as a chance for learning and advancement rather than something to fear or resist?

Relationships: Do you believe in the abundance of love, support, and opportunities within relationships, fostering connections rather than fearing scarcity or competition?

Responsibility: Do you take responsibility for your actions and decisions, understanding that your choices can create opportunities and shape your reality?

Generosity/Sharing: Do you share your knowledge, resources, and opportunities with others, believing that there is plenty for everyone?

Self-Worth: Do you recognize your own worth, without relying on external validation or possessions to define your value?

If you answered “yes” to most of these questions, it's likely that you possess an abundance mindset. But what if you answered “no” to some of these questions? Does that mean your doomed to a life of lack?

Of course not.

However, it's essential to remember that you can always work on cultivating an abundance mindset by releasing imbalances and energetic blocks that are preventing you from having that abundance mindset.

The Body Code and Belief Code systems offer unique approaches to address the underlying causes of limiting beliefs and emotional blocks, contributing significantly to the development of an abundance mindset.

Body Code identifies and releases imbalances within the body that contribute to mental, emotional, and physical limitations. By identifying and correcting these imbalances, you can increase emotional clarity, reduced stress, release pain/trauma, and experience a greater sense of well-being. When the body is in balance and harmony, it can support a more positive mindset, allowing for the cultivation of abundance.

Belief Code focuses on identifying and releasing subconscious belief systems that may be holding you back from abundance. Many beliefs are deeply ingrained within us and influence our everyday thoughts, actions, and perceptions about the world. By identifying and releasing belief systems about scarcity, unworthiness, or fear of success, Belief Code can help you establish new empowering beliefs that align with abundance.

Both systems work together to address the physical and emotional aspects of abundance mindset development. Here's how:

Releasing Emotional Blocks: Body Code identifies, and releases trapped emotions, negative energies, or imbalances that contribute to feelings of scarcity or fear.

Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Belief Code uncovers subconscious beliefs that may be limiting your ability to manifest abundance.

True Alignment: Both systems move a client toward their true alignment, addressing mental, emotional, and physical imbalances.

Empowerment and Manifestation: By releasing emotional baggage and reshaping limiting beliefs, you are better positioned to manifest your desires and goals.

The Body Code and Belief Code systems address mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances that once released, allow you to shift your focus from scarcity to abundance. You can then gradually transform your mindset and open yourself up to a world of possibilities and abundance in all areas of your life.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

This bustling holiday season marks the end of another year and is a natural time for people to reflect on their lives. It’s a time when we can acknowledge and appreciate connection with others, achievements along the way, and it’s the perfect time to practice the art of genuine gratitude.

Genuine gratitude is an authentic feeling of thankfulness and appreciation that comes from your heart. It involves more than just saying "thank you"; it involves humility, understanding, and a desire to reciprocate or pay forward the kindness or favor received. Expressing gratitude can increase levels of happiness, improve mood, increase health, and overall life satisfaction.

Have you ever noticed that the more you focus on things that you are thankful for, the better you feel? That’s gratitude in action.

But what does it look like if someone doesn’t have the ability to experience gratitude? Many people have trouble expressing gratitude for various reasons: seasonal affective disorder, negative belief systems, mindset, upbringing, stress, or life challenges, etc. Someone might overlook or dismiss the efforts of other’s, often taking things for granted. They might expect favors or help without feeling the need to express appreciation or reciprocate. They might lack empathy toward those who have helped or supported them. Without gratitude, they might focus more on what they lack rather than what they have, which only leads to feelings of dissatisfaction or longing for something more.

A "Heart Wall" in the Emotion Code/Body Code systems refer to a collection of trapped emotions that the subconscious mind uses to surround the heart as a protective barrier or “wall” against emotional pain. This barrier can block the flow of energy through the body making it difficult to heal itself, it can block us from fully opening our hearts to others, and it prevents one from fully experiencing emotions like love, joy, and gratitude.

Love, joy, and gratitude reside behind a Heart Wall so when it is released, it can help individuals access and experience these higher frequency emotions more freely. By removing the emotional blockages and allowing emotions to flow more naturally, people may find it easier to tap into feelings of genuine gratitude, precipitate self-healing, and cultivate deeper connections with others.

Here's how releasing your Heart Wall can help you experience gratitude:

Emotional Well-being: The removal of trapped emotions can alleviate emotional burdens and promote a sense of well-being. This may result in increased emotional resilience and the ability to cope with life's challenges more effectively, with less reactivity.

Physical Health: The removal of trapped emotions can have a positive effect on your physical health. Unresolved emotional issues can increase stress and pain levels, which may significantly impact your physical health over time. Releasing these emotions can support your overall health.

Improved Relationships: Trapped emotions influence our perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors potentially affecting relationships. By releasing these emotions, you may experience improved communication, understanding, and connection with others.

Increased Energy Flow: Trapped emotions can create energetic blockages. By removing these blockages, the natural flow of energy in the body can be restored, leading to increased vitality, well-being, and a greater sense of well-being.

Releasing your Heart Wall can indeed have a profound impact on your ability to experience gratitude. This process can lead to a more open and connected emotional state, enabling you to recognize and appreciate the positive aspects of your life more deeply. This newfound emotional freedom can allow gratitude to flourish naturally as you experience a greater sense of connection, empathy, and appreciation for the world around you no matter what time of year it is.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

Generational trauma, also known as ancestral trauma, refers to past psychological and emotional pain that has been passed down within a family, generation to generation. Negative emotional imprints and energetic imbalances related to past experiences, including those from previous generations, can be stored in your body. These imprints may affect your reactions, behaviors, and decisions even if you are not consciously aware of the specific past traumas.

As a Body Code and Emotion Code practitioner, I assist clients in releasing generational trauma. These holistic energy healing systems identify and release imbalances in the body's energy system. These imbalances can contribute to physical, emotional, and mental health issues. I work with your subconscious using muscle testing and energetic balancing to identify and release these imbalances. Once released, the effects of generational trauma can be alleviated within you, as well as for past and future generations. This is important for several reasons:

Physical and Emotional Well-being: Generational trauma can manifest as physical and emotional issues within you. Releasing this trauma can help alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Breaking the Cycle: Trauma can be passed down through generations, affecting the mental and emotional health of a family’s descendants. By releasing this trauma, you can break the cycle and prevent it from affecting future generations.

Improved Relationships: Generational trauma can influence your relationships with others. Releasing it can lead to healthier interactions and more fulfilling connections with your family, friends, and others.

Increased Self-Awareness: Releasing generational trauma allows you to gain insight into your own experiences and those of your ancestors. This increased self-awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of your family history.

Empowerment: Taking control of your own healing process is empowering! Releasing generational trauma allows you to take an active role in your own mental, emotional, and physical well-being

Enhanced Resilience: Releasing generational trauma can contribute to increased emotional resilience. It can help you better cope with challenges and adversity, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Creating a Positive Legacy: By releasing generational trauma, you can contribute to a positive legacy for your own descendants. You can pass on a healthier emotional and mental state, creating a more nurturing environment for your children, and future generations to come.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️

In every initial meeting with clients, I pay attention to what they say, and how they say it. Even before they describe the circumstances of their lives, I can tell by their word choice where they are in life, and how easy or difficult things might be for them.

Everything is energy including the words you use. There is a corresponding frequency for each word that you speak into existence. The words you choose add to your personal energy field which is always interacting with other energy fields throughout the day. What you say to yourself, and about yourself matters.

One of the first concepts I teach clients is to Watch Your Words, because words and their frequencies ultimately create your outer world whether your words are negative or positive, disempowering, or empowering.

In order to change, the first step is always awareness – to be in awareness of how you have been speaking and the words you have been choosing. It takes some effort to monitor your words, but it is so worth it. You might start by asking yourself: are the words I use uplifting and contributing to greater possibilities in my life? Are they supportive? Do they make me feel good? Or are these comments heavy, dark, and unsupportive? Do these comments feel limiting and constricting?

I always tell clients that there are two ways to speak: with Fear or with Love. Fear has a very specific frequency as does Love. And if you think about it, anything you say that is fear based, you can tweak so that it is love based. Love based words always carry a higher frequency and expand your personal frequency and energy field.

Here are a few examples:

Fear Based
I'm so stupid
I don't know
My life stinks
Nothing ever works out for me
Here we go again...

Love Based
I can learn
I look forward to finding out
I can change my life for the better
There are opportunities for growth!
What can I learn from this?

While these tweaks might seem simple and insignificant, they are tremendously powerful. If you are in a pattern of self-criticism, victim mentality, or unworthiness it is time to require more of yourself and change the language you use. When you know better, you do better, step by step.

To your freedom!


I’m one of the people who never really thought that there was any truth to Empty Nest Syndrome (ENS). Turns out that ENS is quite real for many of us. There are different degrees and symptoms attributed to this label, and many ways to reframe or heal from it. While commonly associated with a child leaving for college, ENS can show up in a wide range of other life situations. Through my Intuitive Energy Coaching practice, I have discovered that ENS surfaces for a myriad of reasons.

What is ENS anyway? In a nutshell, it is a term used to categorize feelings when there is a loss or significant change to one’s life that includes the absence of someone close. The routine of life is upset, one may have more time on hand, new coping mechanisms for life may be needed, or there might be greater daily challenges to be faced without that person’s presence. The feelings that typically coincide with ENS are worry, grief, sadness, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, frustration, and fear. A common characteristic of ENS is the greater the lack of satisfaction in one’s life, the greater the degree of ENS. For example, using the college example, if a parent has their own identity wrapped up in their child for 18 years - putting the “self on the shelf” as I call it - that parent will most likely experience a greater loss or void when the child leaves home.

Why do we experience ENS? When there is a significant change to one’s life a void is often created. This emotional transition gets magnified because life is “different” now, and one pays closer attention to what/who caused this void. And because where your attention goes energy flows, the person experiencing this new void tends to focus on what is wrong with their life as opposed to what is right. Here are some other examples of ENS, beyond the stereotypical child going off to college.

Empty Nest Syndrome is totally normal, whether your child is off to college, or you miss your pet after a few days. What we focus on expands from an energetic perspective, so it’s important to work through ENS and create a new environment for yourself. Using the examples listed above you can: anticipate the reunion with your pet, talk to your partner about your fear, honor the good times in your friendship, talk about your grief, reframe the time without your children, and choose to feel empowered living on your own. And, if your child is going off to college, decide to keep in touch in a way that honors each other’s boundaries. You can also start a new hobby, find a support group, volunteer, travel, reconnect with your partner, keep in better touch with family/friends, create a side hustle, get back into shape, or journal to name a few. Most importantly: start creating new, meaningful experiences, and memories and look toward your future with momentum!

To Your Freedom!

~Candace O’Brien

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