Momentum Healing
October 17, 2024

Breaking the Silence! – Part One

The Teen Mental Health Crisis and How We Can Help Them Heal

I feel deeply compelled to write about the struggles our teens are facing today. Our teens are hurting. They are suffering. And they are desperate for relief.

In my practice, a growing number of parents are reaching out to me for help, recognizing that their teens are struggling with life, and that things are falling apart at home at a rapid rate. These parents are actively seeking support because they know their teens are unable to cope with the immense pressures and emotional burdens they are carrying.

What was once a time of excitement and exploration for teens has now become one of overwhelming anxiety, stress, isolation, and sadness.

Why Do Teens Feel So Alone?
Teens are hurting now more than ever, and the reasons behind their struggles are multifaceted. The pressures they face today are unlike anything previous generations experienced. Social media has created a landscape where they are constantly bombarded with images and messages that reinforce unattainable standards of beauty, success, and popularity. As they scroll through carefully created profiles, many teens find themselves trapped in a cycle of comparison, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth. This virtual “connection” often deepens their sense of isolation rather than bridging it, making it feel as if everyone else is living a perfect life while they struggle behind closed doors.

Additionally, academic expectations have skyrocketed, with teens feeling an overwhelming need to excel in every area—grades, extracurriculars, and social status. They experience intense pressure to succeed academically, believing their entire future depends on every test, grade, or assignment. The stress of constantly trying to perform takes a toll on their emotional and mental well-being, leading to burnout and mental fatigue, leaving them feeling like they are never enough or worthless.

Compounding these challenges are issues like bullying, whether in-person or online, which can leave lasting emotional scars. The cruelty teens experience from peers can be devastating and can reinforce their feelings of isolation and worthlessness. As a result, some teens turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance use, seeking relief from their pain through alcohol or drugs. Many teens feel they have no safe space to express their struggles, leading to a further sense of despair and hopelessness.

Mental health issues among teens are reaching unprecedented levels. Anxiety, depression and being “stressed” are no longer rare occurrences; they are becoming the norm.

Parental Disconnection: Are We Truly Listening?
Many teens feel disconnected from the people who could help them the most—their parents. It’s not that parents don’t care; life moves quickly, and it’s easy for conversations to just skim the surface. “How was your day?” may feel like enough, but teens often crave deeper conversations even if they don’t express it. They want to feel seen and heard. When they don’t, they may begin to withdraw, feeling that no one truly understands them.

Parents may be unaware of the depth of their teen’s emotional pain. Many teens hide their struggles, afraid of burdening their families or believing their pain is not valid. But beneath the surface, these emotions build until they become overwhelming.

The Hidden Crisis: Teens and Suicide
The saddest and most alarming part of this crisis is how many teens are not just struggling—they are contemplating suicide. For some, the weight of their emotional pain becomes too much to bear, and they begin to see suicide as a way out. They may feel that their problems are permanent and that their pain will never end.

It is important to understand that teens often view suicide as a solution to what they perceive as unchangeable issues. What they don’t fully grasp is that suicide is a permanent decision—a final act that closes the door on any possibility of healing or change. Teens are desperately holding onto whatever sense of normalcy they have, but when they can’t see a way forward, they begin to lose hope.

This is why it is so critical for us as parents, caregivers, and supporters to step in. The crisis is real, and the stakes could not be higher.

There Is Hope: Healing at the Root
While the challenges facing teens today are immense, there is hope. Teens do not have to carry this emotional weight alone. As adults, we must provide them with the tools and a safe space to release their emotional burdens and heal. This is where non-invasive, effective energy healing modalities like Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code are making a real difference.

These methods work by getting to the root of the emotional and energetic imbalances teens are carrying. Trapped emotional baggage—whether from generational trauma, bullying, or the relentless pressure of modern life—can be released, allowing teens to feel lighter, more hopeful, and more connected to themselves and others.

Once these emotional blocks are cleared, teens experience profound relief and can start to self-heal. They are no longer weighed down by the emotional baggage that has been holding them back. They can focus on their future, rediscover joy in their lives, and finally feel like themselves again.

What Can We Do?
As parents, guardians, and supporters, we need to step up. This means truly listening to our teens, taking their mental health seriously, and offering them the right support. With awareness, compassion, and the right tools, we can help them heal and find their way out of the darkness.

Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code can be an integral part of this journey, helping them release the emotional baggage, physical pain, and negative belief systems that are holding them back and allowing them to move forward with a renewed sense of hope and possibility.

Watch for part two of Breaking the Silence called From Awareness to Action, coming out in a few days.

To your healing!

~Candace ❤️


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